Garden Blog

Tales from the garden: May

Monthly garden update: May Garden Manager Andrew delights in sharing 'the darling buds of May' (mostly bluebells) with Chawton House visitors Bluebells galore! This month started with two very good Bluebell estate walks. The first was for twenty-two visitors [...]

2018-05-31T13:07:42+01:0031st May 2018|Garden Blog|

Tales from the garden: April

Monthly garden update: April Garden Manager Andrew looks for ways to brighten the grounds during the April showers. Wet weather and me don’t make good bedfellows. Fortunately I don’t suffer with ‘seasonal affective disorder’ but continuous grey, miserable weather [...]

2018-04-17T15:48:45+01:0017th April 2018|Garden Blog|
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