Chawton House is a UK registered charity that self-generates 100% of the funds needed to keep the house, grounds and library open and accessible to all. The charity is currently at a pivotal moment in its 25-year history, and is asking supporters to dig deep to keep the house and library going during a significant development phase over the next 18 months.

Door knob


Please dig deep to help secure the ‘Great House’ for future generations.

Become a Friend

Experience a closer relationship with Chawton House as a Friend. Find out more about the benefits we offer and how your Friendship can support our work.

Adopt a Book

Adopt a book, and you will be directly supporting the work of Chawton House Library and helping take care of more than 15,000 volumes – all accessible to use for research – in the Library’s unique collection.

1817 Legacy Circle

Leaving a Legacy, either a gift of money, asset or personal possession, is the most enduring gift that you can give to the Library.

‘After all that romancers may say, there is no doing without money.’

Jane Austen in Northanger Abbey