The Knight boys began their lives as Austens...born into wealth and security. Now, for the first time, the fascinating histories of Edward Austen Knight's sons are brought together in one volume. The life trajectory of the heir and future squire is relatively familiar, but of the younger sons less has been uncovered and written. They are the other Knight boys and this is their story.
Celebrating our 20th Anniversary and our unique 'Early Women Writers' collection with this fabulous signature quill brooch created for us by Tatty Devine. Chawton House Exclusive Tatty Devine x Chawton House collection, inspired by our library and unique 'Early Women Writers' collection here at Chawton House.
'An intriguing and wholly original approach to Jane Austen... A most delightful book and a must for every Austen Reader.' Claire Tomalin, Author of Jane Austen: A Life Hilary Davidson delves into the clothing of one of the world’s great authors, providing unique and intimate insight into her everyday life and material world.
Originally published in the 1995 and now available in a fresh edition with a foreword by Zadie Smith, Gerzina’s engrossing classic brings to life Georgian Black Britain with vivid detail, highlighting fascinating individuals from Ignatius Sancho to Olaudah Equiano within the broader story of the struggle against enslavement.
Online access to the 2024 British Science Week Programme at Chawton House: Ladies of Science. Many pioneering women in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries made inroads in botany, geology, mathematics, astronomy, palaeontology, and other disciplines, both disseminating scientific knowledge to others, but also making extraordinary discoveries against considerable odds. This programme explores five of these scientific women, whose work can be found in the Chawton House collection.
Out of stockA beautifully illustrated blank greeting card depicting Chawton House and some of the highlights in our collection. Made exclusively for Chawton House by The Marches Studio.