Chawton House runs a reading group for the discussion of the work of women writers, 1660 to 1860. The group meets each month, September to June, usually on the third Monday of the month.

From September 2023, we will hold two reading groups: one onsite at Chawton House (12-1.30pm), and one online (3.30-5pm). For those joining in person, the £3 fee includes tea/coffee and cake, and we’d encourage our online participants to donate if possible.

Please register your interest to receive a link to sign up to individual sessions and details of each Zoom meeting by emailing

Click here to download the 2023-24 READING LIST


Previous schedules

Reading Group

Reading Group Schedule 2022-23

Reading Group Schedule 2021-22

Reading Group Schedule 2020-21

Reading Group Schedule 2019-20

Reading Group Schedule 2018-19

Reading Group Schedule 2017-18

Reading Group Schedule 2016-17

Reading Group Schedule 2015-16

Reading Group Schedule 2014-15

Reading Group Schedule 2013-14

Reading Group Schedule 2012-13

Reading Group Schedule 2011-12

Reading Group Schedule 2010-11

Reading Group Schedule 2009-10

Reading Group Schedule 2008-09