Thursday 9th May 2024

Venue: Chawton House


Join Chawton House’s Head Gardener Julia for a guided tour of the Chawton House Gardens and learn about their fascinating history.

Explore the gardens and admire the stunning display of spring flowers as you learn about the adaptations the Knight family made to the grounds over the centuries.

From Elizabeth Knight’s completion of the formal garden in the early 18th century to Edward Austen Knight’s construction of the Walled Garden and Montagu Knight’s addition of the Library Terrace, you will discover how Chawton House’s gardens have been altered over the centuries to reflect the fashions of the time.

The tour will commence at 11:30am and will last around one hour.

Tickets: £12 (Gardens entry) / £16 (House and Gardens entry) | Annual Ticket Holders: £4